LEAN Energy Savings by CST

Team Create’s solutions follow 5 principles of LEAN And create value based improvements in the business process

Team Create’s solutions ease fast and emphatic compliance for businesses following LEAN Management & Six Sigma. Six Sigma and LEAN management is a method that provides organizations various tools to improve the capability of their business processes. This increase in performance and decrease in process variation helps lead to defect reduction and improvement in profits, employee morale, and quality of products or services. This creates value based improvements which are environment friendly and sustainable in the business process.

5 Lean Principles

Define Value: The customer defines the value of a product or service. In today’s times products and services created by Green and renewable manufacturing processes not only enhance the value of the products but also enhance the brand value and corporate citizenship.

Map the Value Stream: The value stream mapping can be enhanced by sustainable workflow process steps for a product or service. The renewables driven value stream mapping helps to reduce carbon footprint and makes the business more green as well as sustainable. This eventually helps to enhance not only improves the esteem and brand value of product/service, it also increases the operating margins in long term.

Create Flow: Renewables increase process efficiency by creating a flow to the customer by ensuring a continuous flow system in producing products or services by lesser dependence on conventional fossil fuels as well as reducing carbon footprint and the space for warehousing conventional fuels.

Establish Pull: Establish a pull approach by meeting system beat time. The beat time is the rate at which a product must be ready to meet customer demand. JIT (Just in time) is a tool promoting the Pull system. This ensures the smooth workflow of the process without any disruptions. It also helps to diminish inventory levels. As Solar Radiation is always delivered in JIT mode for energy delivery it empowers to system beat time.

Seek Continuous Improvement: Finally, addition of renewables brings in an unparalleled effort to improve the existing business process to cater to customer needs in a sustainable mode. This also ensures the elimination in waste of conventional fuels and defects free products & quality service to customers.