System Integrators

For world class last mile Product technologies in Solar Thermal and Energy Storage

System Integrators

TEAM CREATE deploys best global engineering and project management practices for System Integration of cutting edge technologies in Solar Thermal and Thermal Energy Storage. Designing, building and deploying Energy Saving solutions using Solar Thermal and Thermal Energy Storage leveraging the most Hi Tech and state of the art tools and products is in the DNA of Team Create.

Team Create brings in a Highly experienced global team of experts and scientists for innovative designing, building, advising and implementing Solar Thermal and Thermal Energy Storage (TES) driven Energy Saving Solutions.


Thermal Energy Storage Solutions

THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE customised for SOLAR THERMAL APPLICATIONS (Both in Stationary and Mobile mode) Deploying Solutions suitable for use with Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy from 100 Deg C (212 deg F) - 800 Deg C(1472 deg F) and delivering thermal energy to the end user at customised mass flow and temperature as per the demand. The scope of this range of Thermal Energy Storage encompasses Delivery of energy on tap as per end user demand as and when required in terms of time, quantum and rate of energy delivery at extremely high thermal efficiencies and with High Fidelity. The Thermal Energy Storage Batteries carry extremely high Energy Density.


Parabolic Trough Collector

A parabolic trough is a type of solar thermal collector that is straight in one dimension and curved as a parabola in the other two, lined with a polished metal mirror. The sunlight which enters the mirror parallel to its plane of symmetry is focused along the focal line, where a tube containing a fluid runs the length of the trough at its focal line. The sunlight is concentrated on the tube and the fluid heated to a high temperature by the energy of the sunlight. The hot fluid can be piped to a heat engine, which uses the heat energy to drive machinery, or to generate electricity. This solar energy collector is the most common and best known type of parabolic trough.


Linear Fresnel Collector

The Fresnel Collector is a linear concentrating solar thermal collector optimized for industrial applications. It can provide heat at up to 400°C and operate with pressures of up to 120 bars. Besides being operated with water, thermal oil or high-temperature glycol, it can also generate steam directly.

Paraboloid Collectors

The collector of paraboloid dish is an assembly of flat / curved reflectors of high reflectivity arranged on a structural steel framework. The reflectors are arranged in a parabolic shape to reflect the incident solar radiation to a common point, i.e. the receiver. These dishes can have extremely high solar radiation concentration ratios of 1:2000 and more and are capable of attaining high thermal efficiencies on a smaller foot print.




Heliostats – Solar Tower Collector

A heliostat is a device that includes a mirror, usually a plane mirror, which turns so as to keep reflecting sunlight toward a predetermined target, compensating for the sun's apparent motions in the sky. The target may be a physical object, distant from the heliostat, or a direction in space.
A heliostat continually tilts a mirror or multiple mirror facets to track the sun's movement to reflect sunlight toward a receiver sitting on top of a solar tower. Heliostats are a critical component of CSP and concentrating solar-thermal power tower technologies. Thousands of heliostats reflect and concentrate solar radiation into the central receiver. Models must accurately predict the distribution of flux density on the receiver surface.

*All products are illustrative and their IP belongs to its owners or licensees



- CSP : Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Utility
- Solar District Cooling, Air Conditioning
- Industrial Process Heating - Solar Thermal -CST
- Solar Drying , Dehumidification
- Many other customised Heating and cooling applications